
Robe is a small coastal village on the south east coast of South Australia.


Even with the 50 k winds we had the first night, Jayne and I reckon this place is definitely the 'ants pants and the cats pyjamas'. We have made new friends, who we are catching up with in Adelaide and Darwin, we have walked Robes' fantastic coastal and wetlands walk, we have fished (caught nothing, but I sliced my knuckle open with a sharp fish knife) we have eaten out at the Robe pub, (nice) and we have just plain enjoyed what Robe has to offer.

The gallery holds shots of the walks and the views, so have a look for yourselves.

We will rate the park in the Van Park Reviews.

I really don't want to leave here but because of Easter and school holidays coming up we have had to book for the next two weeks so we must move on. I would come back here and stay for weeks if I had the chance.


We have also learned our lesson re booking ahead. Never again. The Big 4 in Robe is way out of town with no views so booking was a mistake given none of this was clear on the website. Traveller beware!

I caught my first fish of the trip today. A nice big Flathead on the beach in front of the caravan park- see gallery. Jayne had braved the rocks to fish while I stayed on the beach and threw in there. One bite and I caught the bugger! We released it as we had dinner organised.

Hate to leave.