Once upon a time.......

Once upon a time two girls although older than some, yet younger than others, decided to take a BIG adventurous trip around a magical island called OZ. Before they left on their BIG trip both girls were very excited but very apprehensive about leaving behind everything and everyone (except each other) they knew and loved.

The day the girls left in their magical igloo on wheels - they had named 'Whimsy' - they were both feeling very sad and quite stressed. They had to leave friends, family, their kids and  grandkids and their little dog 'Pearl the Poodle'. Jayne, the younger of the two intrepid travellers wasn't able to drop her most cherished puppy dog off at Pearls carers because it would hurt her heart too much. Meanwhile, Alison the elder, was feeling ill with sinus and a fever and she had to push herself just to get away.

It took the girls weeks to feel ok about leaving everything they new and loved and for them both to feel well. BUT after a while the two girls settled into a fantastic rhythm that allowed them to be the intrepid adventurerers they knew they had always been.

Their travels took them to amazing and beautiful places all around the magical land of OZ. The two girls wanted to share their adventure with family and friends so they decided to write a blog called Where's Whimsy.

The girls have met some really lovely people on their adventure and they are sure they will meet more very special people as they travel around this magical land of OZ.

The girls still miss everyone, and their little dog, but they are now very happy campers who are just going with the flow and loving every minute.