Four States in 6 weeks...are we mad?

Four states in six weeks sounds somewhat pathetic, but we really have only seen a little of the south coast of NSW, some of the best and worst Victoria has to offer, 3 weeks of Tasmania, which was grand, and now we have just dipped our toes into SA. We realised that we had touched four states when I had to pull out the fourth map! It was somewhat surprising and a bit exciting. I said to Jayne "blimey, if we keep this pace up we'll be home by April" Well that may be an exaggeration but to be honest the only place we have really regretted leaving so far was Bicheno. Its not that we haven't enjoyed most of the places we have seen (Warragul and Bairnsdale are the exceptions) its just that we are keen to see as much as we can so we are happy to move on.

Its Saturday night 21st March and we are parked up at The Blue Lake in Mount Gambier. (see gallery) The photo of Jayne in front of the Blue Lake shows off the haircut I gave her yesterday... Only positive comments please, or she won't let me near her hair ever again!!! Mind you she came off relatively unscathed while I however have a few chunks out of my fingers. My scissor skills need some work!

We stopped on the side of the road on the way here and made lunch with a nice hot cuppa. Ya gotta love that. While we were parked at the rest stop preparing lunch Jayne went to the rest stop loo. Meanwhile a four wheel drive pulls up right beside Whimsy. (we were the only vehicle at the stop at the time) I thought it was a bit stupid given the spaces available and Jayne hearing the car pull up while on the toilet immediately thought 'axe murderer'. As it turned out it was just someone wanting to tell us that there was a freecamping place 2 klms up the road if we were interested...phew!

Tomorrow we head off to Robe for 3 nights, then its Glenelg (Adelaide) for 5 nights, where we'll do some touring, then Port Vincent for a few days followed by Port Germaine for Easter.

Will keep you posted.

Love to all.