Louisa's Walk and Salamanca Markets (Sat 7th March)

We had a great day doing both the Salamanca Markets and 'Louisa's Walk' in Hobart yesterday.

We had hired a car for our trips around the wineries, to Richmond, Port Arthur etc and the vehicle was due back on Saturday. This worked well because 'Budget'  is close to the end of town where the dock and Salamanca Markets are.

The markets are really popular and were incredibly busy. Great produce and interesting wares. We were doing Louisa's Walk that afternoon so we really only looked around and picked up a few non perishables.

We had a lovely lunch, again. The food in Tassie has been a delight to date.

To do Louisa's Walk you have to book and then meet an actress in costume outside The Cascade Brewery in South Hobart (tours of the brewery seemed popular). We were early, so we went into the Cascade Brewery Restaurant. Now that's a lovely spot and the food looked great. See pics in 'Gallery'

I had read about Louisa's Walk ages ago. This street theatre has won awards for one of the best things to see or do in Tassie for years. It did NOT disappoint and in fact it was beyond my expectations.

Jayne and I really got into it. You are required to use your imagination as you walk through a park that is used as a timeline for the trip of the female convict Louisa from England to the Female Factory in Van Diemans Land, early in the 1800's. The walk ends at the ruins of The Female Factory itself.

Louisa remains Louisa but a male actor plays numerous male roles such as Magistrate, Captain, Guard, Overseer etc. Men in general in this story play the roles that have all the power and control. The story is based on fact. It is a true story and evidently the archives and record keeping for the Female Factory are incredible and equal to that of the Magna Carta or Auschwits, for example. Its all on microfish and has been accessed for this and other historically based theatre.

A women's group in Tasmania had to fight the powers that be to keep what remains of The Female Factory as a site of rememberance and historical value. Politicians wanted it GONE. Once you hear the story you could understand that some might want this part of Australian/Tasmanian history to be forgotten.

Louisa was sentenced to seven years in the colony and transported to Van Diemans land to do her time at The Female Prison. Her story has many twiste and turns. The story is heartbreaking and both Jayne and I were to brought to tears. I won't say anymore about this as it really is worth doing 'Louisa's Walk' if you are in Hobart.

See photos in 'Gallery'  and check what we drank at the Cascade Brewery!

Off to Bicheno tomorrow

Take care. Love, us.