Bicheno and Freycinet...

We have moved on, but Jayne and I loved Hobart itself and the food was absolutely brilliant. Mures on Constitution Dock, Frogmore Winery and Blue Eye at Salamanca provided Jayne and I with food that was prepared by excellent chefs....not merely good cooks. The first bite was always telling. Jayne and I would look at each other after the first mouthful and say "Oh God, you have to try this" This my friends made those meals truly memorable for us.

BUT, we were soo glad to leave Treasure Island in Hobart and head further north east.

We have parked up in 'Bicheno East Coast Holiday Park' and we are loving it. Our site is huge here, we have water glimpses out our window and we are not jammed in like sardines, which is the case in many parks. We are close to a stunning beach, shops, restaurants and great walks. So far, this spot 'takes the cake'.

Yesterday we dropped Whimsy (left all the hoses etc on site) and drove down to the Freycinet Peninsula to Coles Bay and then onto Wineglass Bay Lookout to take the rather strenuous walk up to the top to view Wineglass Bay itself. (see gallery)

We then walked back down the mountain, which is equally as difficult, we walked straight into Whimsy for a home made sandwich and a hot cup of tea. Now this is where Whimsy really comes into her own. Having everything on site that we needed to make us comfortable was a real bonus. We just sat back and chilled out and drove off when we were ready. Caravans and trailers were not allowed to enter Wineglass Bay Lookout car park, but the car park has a special paved parking lot for motorhomes. Perfect for us. (not sure why caravans not allowed) We did consider taking a bus to Wineglass Bay instead of dropping Whimsy, but we are sooo glad we didn't. FYI, it takes us about 20 minutes to secure and drop Whimsy if you leave hoses on site, so it really isn't a problem. It also saves money as bus trips and tours are really expensive and don't give you the flexibility that your own motorhome does.

We have also ventured around Bicheno on a number of walks that take you through the local bushland and around the coastline. We were lucky enough to see two Australian Fur Seals (these are close to extinction and the fourth rarest) on Aligator Island which is just off the coastline here.

Jayne and I really are getting into this bushwalking thing and traversed 'Whalers Rock' to see a brilliant view of the ocean and Bicheno itself. (see gallery)

Talk soon as we are going to see devils and penguins over the next two nights and will let you know how that goes!

Take care, love to all.

ps  Ate at a little restaurant here the other night...not worth talking about!!!!