Glendambo (AKA Glendumpo) Cooberpedy, Marla Roadhouse, Kulgera Roadhouse, ULURU,Kings Canyon,Erldunda and Alice Springs

Thought it about time I got off my butt and updated the blog. I write on FB most days but I am aware FB is off limits for some folk.

Well by the heading you can see we’ve been motoring along fairly well. We had a hiccup with the MH when in Kulgera NT. Rang the NRMA and as luck would have it they had a technician right next to the Roadhouse in Kulgera. Who’d have thought? Won’t go into detail but the problem was fixed by the next day, Happy Campers.

So, back to GlenDUMPO. It is a Roadhouse in the middle of nowhere with everything you could want - except it was in bad shape, The idea is great - the execution, not so good. We had one night there, then on to Cooberpedy,

Cooberpedy is different - not really our cup of tea, but we stayed two nights in order to wash cloths, get off the road for a while and buy opals! (tick) Cooberpedy is all red sand, That sand gets into places you’d rather it not get in to. I was quite happy to leave.

Next stop was Marla Roadhouse. We really liked Marla Roadhouse - probably because there was GRASS!!! We love grass - didn’t know we loved it that much, but we know now! Just one night stay on the way to ULURU.

Next stop was Kulgera - liked that roadhouse too - yes, there was grass. We stayed the one night, got the MH seen to and bought the worst Fish and Chips I’ve ever eaten in my life. Note to self….. never take recommendations off old blokes who are pissed by lunch time and possess, not a tooth in their head. Should a known.


Well, this was the cats pyjamas. ULURU really is the most beautiful place plonked right in the middle of the Australian desert. I was overwhelmed by its beauty and majesty. We walked the base walk - 10.6 klms - we did it well on the day but I’m still paying for it now. My poor hip flexor doesn’t know what hit it. I’m working on it…. We started at 8 am and finished about 10.30. Such a glorious morning. One I.ll remember for the rest of my life. So glad we saw it, and walked it. The Camp Ground was ordinary really but the views from about 20 steps away from our MH were spectacular, I did sunrise - bloomin’ marvelous (got some stunning shots) and Jayne and I did sunset. We really did feel blessed to witness such beauty first hand,

After ULURU we decided to trek out to KIngs Canyon. We really shouldn’t have because nothing was going to compare. We only stayed one night and then headed to Alice with a stopover at Erldunda (a servo you can park behind}

We parked up and all seemed great really. However, at 4.30 in the morning we were woken by the most spine-chilling howl. It was a Dingo. A very lonely Dingo I think. Luckily we were behind a very high fence so we were not too concerned. It was an experience though. At Kings Canyon they warn you not to feed the Dingo’s. Yeah right, as if I’d being within cooee of a Dingo in order to feed it. Not this little black duck.

We are in Alice Springs as I write this, but I’ve run out of time now, so, Alice will get covered in the next post.

Off to Wauchope tomorrow - pronounced WhackUP.??? Who knew??

Love to you all