Onward to Dubbo - Red Earth Winery

This stop at the Red Earth Winery was to be our first cheap, free-camp type one night stopover. Free, (almost) peaceful, no plugging in, just gas for the fridge and the stove, solar for power (with the inverter) and lights. That all worked a treat. It was the cheap bit that we came un-stuck on. You see the camp is run by a brother and sister who cook the most amazing authentic dumplings and spring rolls etc. Well…. by the time we pulled in it was 2pm and I was ravenous. We were always going to try these famous dumplings - the number of them was not as clear. So… we tried the freshly made, huge, crunchy spring rolls ( oh lord they were good) Then we tried the pork and cabbage dumplings, and they were mouth wateringly sumptuous, so good, that we then had to try the pork and chives version. With all of this, it was only reasonable, because we were dining at a vineyard, that we try their wines…..You get the drift? Cheap? Not so much….

We enjoyed the stay however. It was quiet, the sky at night was spectacular and we slept like stuffed logs.

Next stop Nyngan Rest Stop - another free-camp.

I will put photos up under that section of the blog once I get a minute. Otherwise, if you are on FB check them out. Cheers from us.