Inverell and the drive over the Gibraltar Ranges

Inverell is a really lovely town. Trees are everywhere so you can find shade, and the council provide well maintained walking tracks along the river. These tracks are also very close to the shops, so its really well thought out. As Motor Homers its great when everything is linked by walking tracks. It was an easy walk from the CP into town to grab some groceries or have a coffee etc.

We visited Inverell to track down where Jaynes Mum was born. Jayne knew that her Mums’ Dad was a guard on the railways in the early 1900’s and that their house was close to the old tracks. The first thing we did was visit the Information Office in town. That was terrific because a woman working there (her name was Anne) knew the house and gave us directions that took us straight there. Well not ‘straight’ there it ended up being a hell of a walk - but still it was worth it for both of us. See pics in the Gallery.

Jayne was really chuffed to have found the house her Mum lived in from 0-7 and to see the remaining tracks that sit just behind the house. It was very emotional for her and very interesting for me.

We had a really lovely lunch in a little Cafe named ‘Freckles’. If you are in Inverell I’d give the food there a try. Very tasty, and made with love. (I can tell)

Leaving Inverell to go to the coast we had to traverse the Gibralter Ranges. Blimey was that an experience. The experience was made somewhat more breathtaking (and I don’t mean that in a good way) by the fact that we were the lead vehicle in a convoy for a ‘WIDE LOAD’ . Jayne thought that label a bit rude when she saw the sign - but hey, were aren’t as slim as we once were so suck it up I say. In all seriousness, it was a hairy drive. I was the driver and Jayne was the nervous passenger. We made it, but going down hill was interesting with four vehicles, one a police car, with all lights flashing, sitting right up our clacker. I was so praying all their brakes were working well - especially the ‘Wide Load’ as this was one huge rig that took up the whole width of the road. I had sweaty palms for a while.

After all that we made it to Evans Head, and we are resting here for a wee while. Jayne has organised to see Koalas in the wild tomorrow, through a friend she has on Twitter, who rescues them after fire events etc. I’ll get Jayne to write about that adventure once she gets a chance.

Talk soon. Love A