Willy Willy's, Red Dust Devils, Eagles, Emus, Dingoes and Poddy Calves

Talk about 'In Ya Face'. All the above have caused us some concern but at the same time great awe and in some instances..joy.

We had a Willy Willy come straight for us from the side, and it was not small. It was one of those moments when you are driving when you thank your lucky stars that you have a lot of power under the bonnet. We thought it was a fire at first until it came right for us. I screamed for Jayne to 'hammer it'. We succeeded in not getting caught up in it thanks to Whimsys' superior acceleration! We have also seen a number of 'Red Dust Devils in the distance. Quite spectacular.

I have mentioned the run in with the eagle. That was way too close for comfort. Mind you going by the look on the eagles face I'd say he was just as scared as we were!

We have seen a dingo scavenging on the side of the road, and an Emu run across the road in front of us, a few wallabies and lots of poddy calves and their mums just wandering all over the place. I guess the main concern on the roads up here really are the cattle, rather than the native wildlife simply because of their numbers.