Port Lincoln....sharky, sharky where are you???

No Great Whites to be seen after the Orca attack so Jayne was given a Sea Lion & Tuna experience instead. Jayne is going to write into the blog about the experience herself so I won't say too much except that she was disappointed to say the least. We had planned this leg of the trip around that experience.

However, we did enjoy Port Lincoln and stayed there for 6 nights. The weather was pretty ordinary and the winds were rough but it seems to be par for the course down these parts. The fact that wind and I don't see eye to eye makes it a little difficult. Not sure what it is but I find big winds stressful. Mind you anyone who likes 60 to 90 klm winds in a van or motorhome would be a bit strange I reckon!

We ate at the Pier Hotel one night and the food was great. Best Coffee was at a café called Rogues and Rascals in the main street. Its a big town, in comparison to many of the small towns we have been in lately. It has five pubs all with great views over Boston Bay.

The coastal walks are grand. Jayne and I did two of more than 6 klms each.

See Gallery for photos and Van Park Review.

Jayne will tell her tale here...OK punters, as Alison has already mentioned we had planned our trip to PL around my 'bucket list' of cage diving with great whites. Those who know me know that I am fascinated with our natural environment, and in particular great whites. They are the supreme apex predator, and to be able to see them in their natural environment was a dream come true. Alas there have been no GW sightings at the Neptune Islands (about 3 hours by boat from PL) in over two months. A pod of killer whales hunted and killed a GW at the islands. Since then the GW's have vacated the islands for safer pastures. But...being the eternal optimist I thought well, maybe a GW would turn up for my adventure to the Neptune Islands. Alas, this was not to be. Upon arriving to do the cruise with Calypso Cruises, (a fantastic and very professionally run organization), we were given the opportunity to take our chances to spend in effect 3+ hours plus going to the Neptune Islands and not seeing anything, and then spend three hours returning to PL, (the captain Andrew had contacted Rodney Fox who was at the islands to ascertain if GW's had been seen - there was none), or would we like to go swim with NZ Sea Lions and Tuna.  Andrew was great and very supportive, but in the end we decided to take the latter option. It was a great decision. The sea lions were fantastic. They are an inquisitive and friendly wild animal. Seeing them in their natural habitat was great. I must say being in the ocean with them did fill me with some apprehension knowing that these wonderful animals were the favorite food source of the Great Whites!!! From there we travelled closer to shore to see the tuna. OK, so you may be wondering how do you swim with tuna. Well the Calypso folk have a deep sea pen where Southern Blue Fin Tuna are kept. I must say upon entering the pen I could not see these Tuna, but once in the water it was both exciting and terrifying. These tuna are as big as me, which is about 158-159 CM, and between 70-80KG, and they come straight at you. Suffice to say I stayed in the water for not a long time!!!!! So, whilst not seeing the GW, I did have a great day. Calypso Cruises and staff were awesome. I would highly recommend them if you are in PL and want to see the above. In closing, and on good advice, the sharks will return:) See gallery.

Onwards and westward!!!!