Wardrobe Malfunction

We couldn't have, surely not. No, no, no,  not Jayne and I, its not possible. 

We didn't pack our entire wardrobe into Whimsy's cute little hanging space.... did we?

Well we must have tried because in the middle of the night the whole thing collapsed. The rack attached to the roof of the wardrobe had come away  leaving everything on the floor of the robe. FANTASTIC. The screws holding the rack had pulled away from the roof and there was no screwing those back in expecting it to hold. No chance and none.

So what do two girls do with the threat of no hanging space? Ask a bloke to fix it? Ring a carpenter? Not on your Nelly. We measured it up, bagged the offending rack and headed (walked) to the local hardware store. (For those of you who aren't familiar with Narooma its hilly, very, very hilly) We bought some double sided tape, a new piece of wood (provided measurements and had it cut for us) and new longer screws. Walked back to the park and fixed the sucker. Its promising, its all still holding today, so here's hoping! (See before and after shots in the Gallery page)

I'm aware this may seem like a minor issue to some but for us its about getting out of fixes using our own abilities, solving problems ourselves where we can, and providing a solution that not only works and looks ok, but doesn't cost a bomb!

So far so good!

PS The day we left I said to Jayne "should I pack the electric screwdriver?" Response was  "why would we need that?" I agreed, and it didn't get packed. Moral of the story? Follow your gut!!!